The Awicksin (Private) Limited is Registered Company in Sri Lanka.
The Awicksin (Private) Limited is Registered Company in Sri Lanka.
NOTE: All international and local Company brands mentioned on this website are displayed with the permission and cooperation of it related companies.
Permanent and Private Google Cloud Holder
We have a Separated for us 20 terabyte data center in the Google Data Center U.S.A. to enable us to deploy and process the digital product in a secure, fast and latest technology and cloud computing.
Cooperation with international parent companies headquarters
In order to increase the maximum, quality and speed of every product and service, we have international contractual and commercial cooperation with the world's top companies, its parent company.
Digital Transformation
We manufacture highly complex computer systems with artificial intelligence to practically solve the big problems of the modern digital world, mainly government institutions.
Collaborative with World Trusted Cybersecurity Companies
In order to provide a very strong security to the Internet-based software system that is being produced, We have long term very strong and reliable international engagement with World Trusted Cybersecurity Companies, and Those benefits are used based on the sensitivity of the designed system.
Co-manufacturing with Parent company headquarters
We have very strong and trusted international engagement with the parent company headquarters of the world's best brands to manufacture a variety of Difficult to produce locally products on demand.
Collaborative with World-Wide Trusted and Modern warehouses
We have long term very strong and reliable international engagement with the World-Wide Trusted and Modern warehouses. We work contractually with all those warehouse administrations
Cooperation with Government
In order to innovate in Government institutions and take them to the next level, we will work with the Government institutions through various industries.
Friendly Cooperation with Local Companies
For the innovation of Local private institutions and to take it to its next stage and digital transformation, we will work friendly with Local private institutions through various industries .
International Logistic Industry
We use our worldwide transportation network and where house for quick and cost-effective transportation to local private sector and government sector to provide the best and required industrial kits from its parents company using our international commercial agreements.
Trusted and Professional World-Wide people’s network
We have a highly reliable and professional and fast worldwide network of people at our disposal to further increase the quality and speed of product and service and open new avenues.
Connection with world countries
We have tied up with various countries to assist us in updating our digital products and services and related industrial industries.
Support from industry experts University
We take support from MIT University to gain insight into technical issues and cutting-edge updates and constant insights.